it has been ...how many years?! yup. back in Colorado and life goes on and on... still trying to be "Sporty" in the realm of hiking, snowboarding, occasionally running - but life seems to have slowed me down a bit and an achey body and old bones seem to make working out more difficult!
BUT I have had enough... so TODAY marks the first day of a new me :)
I am meeting with my personal trainer for the first time today. I live right next to a gym and figured I am not doing so great on the motivation thing right now... so why not set a goal and work hard to get my body back in to shape. I have been disgusted at the reflection in the mirror lately, and have hit my heaviest weight ever. Being out of shape and overweight just makes me more unmotivated and depressed, so I have to make some major changes.
Around Christmastime I decided I would start "eating clean". I bought a bunch of eating clean books and really stuck to a diet of no processed sugar, no white flour and no artificial preservatives. Yup, there goes my afternoon diet coke and chocolate chip cookie at work. No more grabbing a diet coke at the grocery store and no more processed breakfast cereals, low fat/low calorie treats... even yogurt has a bunch of weird preservatives - so greek yogurt it is! I have actually really enjoyed clean eating and people have commented on the appearance of my skin and that I look more well-rested! I am NOT more well rested... but it is good to look like it :) I have noticed that my skin IS better... I have especially noticed that I have significantly less breakouts! How crazy is that!? Unfortunately, there has been no weight loss with the new eating lifestyle.... so I need to ramp that up.
Winters are always hard for me... snowboarding keeps me sane, but daily workouts always seem to go by the wayside. Maybe that is why I loved the islands so much... sunny warm days everyday! It is warming up outside and Lucy and I went for a quick run and then a hike with some friends yesterday. It felt GOOD. I am, however, sore today and hope that my first day with the trainer doesn't completely immobilize me today!
oh, and p.s. Lucy is my most amazing and loveable dog that I got the year I moved back to Colorado!