I found this "draft" that I never posted..... 1/27/06:
Last night was "guitar night" at my friend's JB and Kimm's house (the extra draw is little redheadded Quincy their 2 year old son). There were six of us and 4 guitars. All of us were verying levels of guitar playing and singing proficiency. Some of us struggle through songs, others pick it up easily after years of playing. I have been teaching myself for the last year or so ... sporatically at times, but lately I have the short nails and callouses to prove my renewed committment to the instrument.
I bought a 1980 Sigma guitar off someone who was moving from Hawaii to the Mainland. I think I paid $150 for it. Afterall, I didn't know if I would like it or more importantly stick with it. Last night's guitar brand seemed to be Takamine Guitars. They felt a lot nicer to play than my Sigma. I really want a new guitar. Do I need one? Nah.
Maybe someday.
I think I gave myself this flareup of carpal tunnel by knitting and practicing the guitar for at least 1/2 hr a day. I haven't picked it up in 2 months:) I'm trying to let it calm down so I don't do any permenant damage.
I did however go online and find the chords for a bunch of little kids songs like "old mcdonald" and twinkle twinkle" It took me a while to find them actually but I can't wait to try them with the kids.
I found "Country Roads" - John Denver and "You are My Sunshine". I remember Mom singing those two songs every night to Vick when she was a baby.
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