Yep, it was only 2 months but I missed my blond hair. So, I had it highlighted the other day, and I look like the old me. I think I prefer the blond, although it looks really pretty with the reddish color in it also (the dark brown had faded to red!)

Have been keeping busy surfing, sailing, wakeboarding. Oh, and I have also been on night shift again. 6 weeks! ARGH! I just finished and I am glad to say that tomorrow I will start back on days. This is also good becuase soccer season starts next week and all of our games are evening games.
I played pick up soccer last night for the first time in weeks. I had injured my foot surfing and was unable to wear a shoe on my Left Foot. It is still messed up but OK enough to put on running shoes and soccer cleats. So ran around for 2 hrs at soccer and woke up this morning feeling mostly paralyzed. Dang it... it is tough getting older! My back, hamstring and groin areas were all tight. I did manage to get them loosed up enough to spend a few hours wakeboarding though.

Today I was trying a new trick a 360 circle on the water. Sounds easy, but timing, weight placement etc. is key.... I don't know if you can imagine what it feels like when the boat is pulling you and you have to spin yourself and your board in a complete circle while travelling in a forward direction....then...in the middle of a turn your board suddenly "digs" into the water - effectivly stopping you, tossing you forward (or backward) think whiplash or major face plant. Today I face planted so hard that when my face hit the water my back arched, feet swung up and back behind me and the board hit my shoulderblade. Ouch. I got back into the boat after that one. Now it is a little sore.
Pictures: Playing dominos on Cherokee after major surf sessions (tough life), me surfing with some pretty bad form (I'm working on it!)
aaahhh, this is the life! Can't wait to hear about soccer. And I guess your knee is the least of worries right now. Take care!!
Glad you are 'back to blond' (sounds like the title of a movie). The photos of surfing and wake boarding are all impressive. Is that you on the wake board? Wow! Glad you posted again
Yep, that is me on the wakeboard. if you look closely you can see that I am no longer hanging on to the rope! :)
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